Kristin Peddicord

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Welcome to! This website has been a dream of mine for a long time, but it took a few seasons for it to come to fruition.

If you've followed me a little throughout the years, you might’ve realized I had a photography website, farmhouse blog, adoption blog, and an essential oils website. My life was scattered in little sections all over the internet, but I didn’t have a “home”.  I wanted a place to come and just be me. To share what God has been teaching me throughout all seasons of life. But first, I had to learn some lessons...

After nine years, I joyfully stepped down from wedding photography. I hated the time it took away from my family. Gone every weekend. Editing all week. It got tiresome, and let’s be real - my body hurt! I started noticing health issues pop up related to carrying equipment, etc… I just knew that I didn’t see myself shooting weddings in my 40’s and 50’s (props to those of you that can!). People ask me if I miss weddings, and I don’t. I miss my sweet couples. When I stepped down, people didn’t like it. It’s shocking how many friends you lose because you aren’t in the photography industry anymore. People no longer “need” you…oh well. Lesson learned.

I blogged a lot during our adoption process and during our house build, but things kind of stopped once it was all complete. People didn’t like it. They wanted more photos, more house tours, etc… I noticed myself relying a lot on the approval of others, and I let random people on the internet dictate my mood. I seemed to be letting everyone down all while drowning in my own pity party. Enoch was enough. I am in charge of my own happiness, nobody else. Lesson learned.  

After lots of prayer and shifting my mind’s focus, things started changing at the end of 2018. I didn't really care anymore what people thought. I felt a renewed stirring in my heart. I was reminded that I should never rely on other people to make me feel like I am enough. That my joy, strength, and self worth is found in God and God alone. That someone out there needs to hear from me exactly where I am in life. That there doesn’t have to be a big life event happening for me to blog, share about my season, and what God is teaching me during those seasons and lessons learned.

So here I am. Feeling a strong tug at my heart to share what God is showing me, exactly where I am in life. Y’all, I’m not perfect. I mess up. I believe in real life. I love cheese dip. I dream big dreams. My daughter’s socks never match. I’m not a good writer. My instragam isn’t the prettiest. That’s life. That’s how God made me. No matter what season you’re in, I hope you follow along. 

Here’s where my heart is and what I’ll be sharing a lot of: 

Farmhouse + Farm life 
Motherhood + Marrige
Natural living   
Jesus + Faith
Giving Back

Thank you for being here and reading this. I hope this blog helps you, and I would LOVE if you’d comment below with things you want me to talk about!